
August 2024- Summer barbecue

June 2024- Funding

The collaborative research center TRR179 if funded for another four years.

We are looking forward to extend our collaborations on hepatotropic viruses to more letters of the alphabet.


Together with the Fingerhut group, we join SFB1309, where we set out to decipher the effect of epigenetic modifications on the structure of tRNA.


May 2024- New student

Petros joins us for a student project at the master's level. Welcome!


March 2024- Funding

We are immensely grateful to the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for supporting our research into an NMR-data driven approach to protein allostery during the next three years.


March 2024- New lab member

Fabio joins us for his master thesis. Welcome and best of luck and success!


February 2024- Students' day

Our guided tours highlighting the 'world of the nuclear spins' at this year's student information day were well received!



January & February 2024- New lab members

Philipp Springer and Maxim Drömer join the lab. Welcome!


December 2023- Happy holidays

Our labs are closed down for the Christmas break. 2023 has been an intense, but also exciting year for our lab.

We hope that 2024 may be a peaceful year for everyone.


December 2023- Papers accepted

Just in time for the holidqays: Zahra's collaboration with Protzer lab at TUM on adjuvant-filled HBV capsids is accepted at Journal of Hepatology reports.

Mikhail's collaboration with Jung lab at Uni Bonn is accepted at Separation and Purification Technology.

Congratulations to everyone involved!


December 2023- Christmas party

We went Eisstockschiessen for our Christmas party.

Thanks a lot to Franzi for this fun idea.

October 2023- Welcome Zeynab

We welcome Zeynab Rezaei as a visiting PhD student. Best of luck with your planned projects!

We hope that you will pick up relevant new skills during your exchange visit and also enjoy Munich.


October 2023- Brunch and new group pictures

Brunch and picture session in front of our labs in the autumn sun.

Thanks to Franzi and Alexis for organising.

Here is the alternative group picture. Too good to go.


September 2023- Paper accepted 

We are excited that our joint manuscript with Sakata lab from Göttingen and Zacharias lab from TUM has been accepted at Nature Chemistry.

It is the result of three years of a very enjoyable collaboration within the SFB 1035 network and also contains most of Mikhail's PhD work. Congratulations!


September 2023- Welcome Julian 

As of today, Julian will be our new NMR facility manager.

With his background in biological solution NMR and solid-state NMR of materials,

we are very lucky to have him here at LMU. Welcome Julian.


July 2023- Welcome Franzi 

We are extremely happy that Franzi is joining us as a research associate. Welcome Franzi.


June 2023- Welcome Mario 

We welcome Mario as a working student intern and wish him a good start in the lab.


March 2023- Open positions 

We are hiring a lab manager and we have several openings for scientific coworkers (postdoc/doctoral students).

Details found here.


March 2023 - Lab warming party

We have moved into our new offices and biochemistry labs in Haus F of at the Department of Chemistry at LMU campus Großhadern.

The wetlab is up and running and our new equipment has arrived. 

A big thanks to everyone working hard during the past months to make this possible!